Game Dev Introduction: W6, Finishing up

This post might come up a bit late on Babel, as I stayed in school late attending a group meeting and didn’t remember to write a blog post until I came home just a little while ago. For the same reason, this post is a little rushed, so my apologies.

In any case, it’s blogging day, and this will likely be my last big post on this project as our group has delegated next week to focusing on implementing everything in our game, ironing out major bugs, and spending time writing our individual reports on the project and for our subjects. Let’s get to it.

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Game Dev Introduction: W5, Addressing Feedback

Apologies for the slight delay and relatively sparse content of this post, I’ve spent most of this week focusing on preparing for the Beta presentation, as well as fixing up my group’s design document for the second hand-in.

Nevertheless, it’s Thursday, so it’s time for another blog post. Thankfully not all of my time this week has been spent writing documents and practicing speeches, as I had some time to address some feedback we got during our playtesting. A recurring theme throughout most of the feedback we got this Monday was that our game was pretty unclear about what you were doing and where you were supposed to go, so I took some time off earlier today to redesign our in-game HUD for clarity.

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Game Dev Introduction: W4, Cleaning up a design and working with layered animations

Hello again, everyone.

This week has been similar to the last, my work has been quite spread out and I’ve been working on both our player fish’s final design, and some misc. background assets. Given how extensive my first two blog posts were regarding my animation process, I don’t have anything too revolutionary to go through today. Nevertheless, I thought I’d once again go through a part of my process of creating an animation, as well as going back and touching on some woes I had in last week’s blog post.

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